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Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 44 г. Сургут
Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 44 г. Сургут
[[Использование краеведческого материала на уроках английского языка]]
Включение исторического или краеведческого материала в школьный курс иностранного языка позволяет учащимся узнать о событиях, фактах, персоналиях  страны изучаемого языка, своей страны, города, что способствует ценностному отношению к обществу, отечеству и человеку. Историческое прошлое, историческая память и традиции, идеалы и нравственные ценности являются факторами, которые влияют на формирование личности в культуре, создают возможности для диалога культур, сохранения и развития их самооценки и уникальности.
В  работе представлен опыт  использования краеведческого материала об истории основания Сургута, его развития и становления как нефтяного края. Данный материал может использоваться как основа для планирования индивидуальных уроков.
В этом году жители Сургута празднуют юбилей города . Именно 420 лет назад на берегу обской протоки было заложено укрепленное поселение Сургут. Основание Сургута, как и других сибирских городов, в конце ХVI века было подвигом, имеющим огромное значение для судьбы России.
На примере разработанной темы «Земля Древней Югры» в разделе «Лучший из миров» проследим возможности урока с использованием краеведческого материала для учащихся 10 класса. 
Цели урока:
1. Образовательная – повышение коммуникативной компетенции учащихся посредством краеведческого материала об истории города.
2. Развивающая – развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков в чтении и говорении, расширение кругозора учащихся.
3. Воспитательная – воспитание чувства любви к родному краю, формирование бережного отношения к окружающему миру, повышение интереса к английскому языку. 
В начале урока учащиеся читают незнакомый текст (разрешается пользоваться словарем) и выполняют задание к нему (чтение текста с пониманием основной мысли).
1. Read the text and say when Russia began to expand into Siberia. 
Surgut is one of  the oldest towns in Siberia. It is situated at the half-way point of the Ob river, after which the town is named. The word “Surgut” means a good place for fishing. The Ob is the best river for fishing in Siberia. Its source is in the Altai mountains, where two small rivers the Katun and Biya flow together and it empties into the Kara Sea. The Ob is the longest river in the country. It has a length of 4438 km which puts it in the fourth place in the world after the Congo, Mississippi and Amazon rivers. 
The colonization of Siberia began after the famous Yermak expedition. New towns and forts were built in Siberia and they became the base of the first settlement. The town of Ob was founded in 1585, Tyumen in 1586, Tobolsk in 1587. The building of the first Siberian towns created conditions for Russian Cossacks and traders to move to the East. A few other towns in Siberia played a similar role.
There are two documents which shed light on the foundation of our town: the Cherepanovskaya Chronicle and the Theodore Ioannovich decree proclaimed on the 19th of February 1594. The Tsar ordered two Moscow voivodas “ to serve in Siberia and build a town in Surgut up the Ob river.” The town construction started in 1594, decreed by Tsar Theodore Ioannovich, who put voivodas Fedor Boryatinsky and Vladimir Onichkov in charge. The fortress was founded on the site of an ancient settlement and the local name was retained to facilitate contact with the natives with whom the colonizers entered into agricultural, military and cultural relations. Choosing a site for the town the Russian commanders were guided first of all by strategic considerations. The settlement was located at a junction of water- ways and was a good place to build defences. Surgut was built in the summer of 1594. It was composed of a small fortress with two gates, four towers and one entrance gate tower.
A lucrative situation on the bank of a great river flowing across Siberia promoted the progress of Surgut, which soon developed into an outpost of the Russian state. Its influence spread far into the northern and eastern expanses. The town had its own coat-of-arms confirmed by Catherine the Second on the 17th of March 1785. The shield had the Tobolsk coat-of-arms in the upper half and a fox in token of precious furs for which local woodlands were famous.
The new emblem symbolized the rebirth of the town as the capital of a vast oil region. The emblem shows an oil derrick surrounded by snowflakes in the upper half and a sable in the lower part.
In the 19th century Surgut was a small place with very little streets unpaved and covered with grass in the summer. The inhabitants had sturdy houses with a large Russian stove. The taiga provided food: meat, mushrooms and nuts in plenty; the river provided fish. The woods and fishing grounds were available for common use. In fact people didn’t have to travel far from their town, so traditions and ideas about the world were formed locally. They taught their children to love the town, the river and taiga and passed on the family business.   
Serfdom did not penetrate Surgut, as the whole Siberia, with its brave, enterprising and freedom – loving population. The Tsarist punitive machinery, however, was using the town as a place of banishment. In particular, many Decembrist revolutionaries lived here in exile after their abortive rising of 1825. Surgut was a center of political exile in the 19th century. A.I. Shakhirev was its first exile. He was a lieutenant in the Chernigov regiment. A.I. Shakhirev was a member of the United Slavs’ Society. He was condemned to spend the rest of his life in Surgut and deprived of his nobility. Shakhirev arrived in Surgut in August 1826. He was under the strict surveillance of two Cossacks. In the beginning he led a secluded life. Later on he made the acquaintance of native hunters and inhabitants. He died on the 17th of May 1828 of an apoplectic stroke in the taiga while hunting. Shakhirev was buried outside the churchyard since he died without receiving confession. In summer 1828 another political exile V.K. Tizengauzen arrived in Surgut. A former commander of the Poltava regiment Colonel Tisengauzen was a member of the Southern Society. He was condemned to a year of hard labor and exiled for the rest of his life to Siberia. 
The Civil War brought it tremendous upheavals. The Soviet rule was established in the locality in April 1918 soon to be ousted by the White Army under Admiral Kolchak’s command. When Bolsheviks came back, a peasant rising swept the area. Surgut was prominent in the World War II effort, as was the entire Siberia with its fabulous resources. Almost all adult men were conscripted, and half of them never came back. A monument and a chapel were later erected in the memory on the city’s highest spot, a steep river bank where, several centuries ago, Cossack pioneers had a pier for their row – boats in which they ventured far along Siberian rivers, exploring.
City life made a sharp turn in the late 1950s, when large – scale geological prospection started in the Mid –Ob and discovered fabulous oil and gas fields.
И черная земная кровь
Сулит нам, раздувая вены,
Все разрушая рубежи,
Неслыханные перемены, невидимые мятежи.
Now, Surgut became a prospecting outpost.
Я вошел в этот город, как входят в мечту –                   
Не задворками, а с самолета!..
Кое-кто говорил, что навек пропаду –
Не пропал! Приютила работа.
Здесь дороги и трассы мои пролегли
И, бывало, что жил на одних только нервах…
Этот город – мой дом на просторах земли!
Здесь я рос и крепчал в непролазных  карьерах. 
И когда я бываю в других городах,
Где метро и трамваи и больше уюта –
Все равно я грущу о таежных краях
И не мыслю свой век без Сургута!
П. Суханов
После чтения текста и стихотворений, для проверки понимания прочитанного  учащимся  предлагается ответить на следующие вопросы (поиск заданной информации в тексте):
2. Answer the questions.
1) What does the word “Surgut” mean?
2) Who did the Tsar order to serve in Siberia and build a town?
3) What was Surgut like in the summer of 1594?
4) When was the first coat-of-arms confirmed?
5) What did the new emblem symbolize?
6) Who lived in exile in Surgut?
7) What happened in the late 1950s?
После проверки понимания прочитанного ученики выполняют  следующие задания:
3. Make an outline of the story (составить план рассказа).
4. Summarize the idea of each paragraph in one sentence (определить главную мысль каждого абзаца в одном предложении).
5. Put the sentences in the right order (расположить события в правильном порядке):
1) The town had its own coat-of-arms.
2) Surgut became a prospecting outpost.
3) New towns and forts were built in Siberia and they became the base of the first settlement.
4) The Civil War was brought it tremendous upheavals.
5) Surgut was built in the summer of 1594.
6) Surgut was a center of political exile in the 19th century.
7) Surgut was prominent in the World War II effort, as was the entire Siberia with its fabulous resources.
6. Give a summary of the story (написать краткое содержание рассказа).
7. Contribute other facts to the story that you have learned before (дополнить фактами, не содержащимися в рассказе). 
Завершается занятие сообщением темы для последующего обсуждения:
I hope that a short travelling in the history of Surgut awoke your curiosity and interest and you want to know more about the town and the people. What the customs and traditions were, we’ll learn next time.
Занятия, подобные разработанному, дают возможность повысить интерес учащихся и к английскому языку, и к истории города, в котором они живут, расширяют кругозор школьников, укрепляют межпредметные связи, дают возможность мотивированным учащимся заниматься дополнительно.
1. Беленкова Н.М. Интегрированный элективный курс «Английский язык - История» в средней общеобразовательной школе//ИЯШ. – 2007.  - № 2.
2. Данилюк А.Я., Кондаков А.М., Тишков В.Л.Стандарты второго поколения. Концепция духовно – нравственного развития и воспитания личности гражданина России.- М.: Просвещение, 2009.
3. Петрова Л.В., Показаньев Ф.Я. Города нашего края. Сургут. – Свердловск: Средне-Уральское книжное издательство, 1987.
4. Кайдалов В.А. Чему нас учат декабристы//Югра. – 1992. - № 1.

Текущая версия на 12:03, 7 ноября 2014

Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 44 г. Сургут

Использование краеведческого материала на уроках английского языка

Включение исторического или краеведческого материала в школьный курс иностранного языка позволяет учащимся узнать о событиях, фактах, персоналиях страны изучаемого языка, своей страны, города, что способствует ценностному отношению к обществу, отечеству и человеку. Историческое прошлое, историческая память и традиции, идеалы и нравственные ценности являются факторами, которые влияют на формирование личности в культуре, создают возможности для диалога культур, сохранения и развития их самооценки и уникальности.

В работе представлен опыт использования краеведческого материала об истории основания Сургута, его развития и становления как нефтяного края. Данный материал может использоваться как основа для планирования индивидуальных уроков.

В этом году жители Сургута празднуют юбилей города . Именно 420 лет назад на берегу обской протоки было заложено укрепленное поселение Сургут. Основание Сургута, как и других сибирских городов, в конце ХVI века было подвигом, имеющим огромное значение для судьбы России.

На примере разработанной темы «Земля Древней Югры» в разделе «Лучший из миров» проследим возможности урока с использованием краеведческого материала для учащихся 10 класса.

Цели урока:

1. Образовательная – повышение коммуникативной компетенции учащихся посредством краеведческого материала об истории города.

2. Развивающая – развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков в чтении и говорении, расширение кругозора учащихся.

3. Воспитательная – воспитание чувства любви к родному краю, формирование бережного отношения к окружающему миру, повышение интереса к английскому языку.

В начале урока учащиеся читают незнакомый текст (разрешается пользоваться словарем) и выполняют задание к нему (чтение текста с пониманием основной мысли).

1. Read the text and say when Russia began to expand into Siberia.

Surgut is one of the oldest towns in Siberia. It is situated at the half-way point of the Ob river, after which the town is named. The word “Surgut” means a good place for fishing. The Ob is the best river for fishing in Siberia. Its source is in the Altai mountains, where two small rivers the Katun and Biya flow together and it empties into the Kara Sea. The Ob is the longest river in the country. It has a length of 4438 km which puts it in the fourth place in the world after the Congo, Mississippi and Amazon rivers. The colonization of Siberia began after the famous Yermak expedition. New towns and forts were built in Siberia and they became the base of the first settlement. The town of Ob was founded in 1585, Tyumen in 1586, Tobolsk in 1587. The building of the first Siberian towns created conditions for Russian Cossacks and traders to move to the East. A few other towns in Siberia played a similar role. There are two documents which shed light on the foundation of our town: the Cherepanovskaya Chronicle and the Theodore Ioannovich decree proclaimed on the 19th of February 1594. The Tsar ordered two Moscow voivodas “ to serve in Siberia and build a town in Surgut up the Ob river.” The town construction started in 1594, decreed by Tsar Theodore Ioannovich, who put voivodas Fedor Boryatinsky and Vladimir Onichkov in charge. The fortress was founded on the site of an ancient settlement and the local name was retained to facilitate contact with the natives with whom the colonizers entered into agricultural, military and cultural relations. Choosing a site for the town the Russian commanders were guided first of all by strategic considerations. The settlement was located at a junction of water- ways and was a good place to build defences. Surgut was built in the summer of 1594. It was composed of a small fortress with two gates, four towers and one entrance gate tower.

A lucrative situation on the bank of a great river flowing across Siberia promoted the progress of Surgut, which soon developed into an outpost of the Russian state. Its influence spread far into the northern and eastern expanses. The town had its own coat-of-arms confirmed by Catherine the Second on the 17th of March 1785. The shield had the Tobolsk coat-of-arms in the upper half and a fox in token of precious furs for which local woodlands were famous. The new emblem symbolized the rebirth of the town as the capital of a vast oil region. The emblem shows an oil derrick surrounded by snowflakes in the upper half and a sable in the lower part.

In the 19th century Surgut was a small place with very little streets unpaved and covered with grass in the summer. The inhabitants had sturdy houses with a large Russian stove. The taiga provided food: meat, mushrooms and nuts in plenty; the river provided fish. The woods and fishing grounds were available for common use. In fact people didn’t have to travel far from their town, so traditions and ideas about the world were formed locally. They taught their children to love the town, the river and taiga and passed on the family business.

Serfdom did not penetrate Surgut, as the whole Siberia, with its brave, enterprising and freedom – loving population. The Tsarist punitive machinery, however, was using the town as a place of banishment. In particular, many Decembrist revolutionaries lived here in exile after their abortive rising of 1825. Surgut was a center of political exile in the 19th century. A.I. Shakhirev was its first exile. He was a lieutenant in the Chernigov regiment. A.I. Shakhirev was a member of the United Slavs’ Society. He was condemned to spend the rest of his life in Surgut and deprived of his nobility. Shakhirev arrived in Surgut in August 1826. He was under the strict surveillance of two Cossacks. In the beginning he led a secluded life. Later on he made the acquaintance of native hunters and inhabitants. He died on the 17th of May 1828 of an apoplectic stroke in the taiga while hunting. Shakhirev was buried outside the churchyard since he died without receiving confession. In summer 1828 another political exile V.K. Tizengauzen arrived in Surgut. A former commander of the Poltava regiment Colonel Tisengauzen was a member of the Southern Society. He was condemned to a year of hard labor and exiled for the rest of his life to Siberia.

The Civil War brought it tremendous upheavals. The Soviet rule was established in the locality in April 1918 soon to be ousted by the White Army under Admiral Kolchak’s command. When Bolsheviks came back, a peasant rising swept the area. Surgut was prominent in the World War II effort, as was the entire Siberia with its fabulous resources. Almost all adult men were conscripted, and half of them never came back. A monument and a chapel were later erected in the memory on the city’s highest spot, a steep river bank where, several centuries ago, Cossack pioneers had a pier for their row – boats in which they ventured far along Siberian rivers, exploring.

City life made a sharp turn in the late 1950s, when large – scale geological prospection started in the Mid –Ob and discovered fabulous oil and gas fields.

И черная земная кровь

Сулит нам, раздувая вены,

Все разрушая рубежи,

Неслыханные перемены, невидимые мятежи.


Now, Surgut became a prospecting outpost.

Я вошел в этот город, как входят в мечту –

Не задворками, а с самолета!..

Кое-кто говорил, что навек пропаду –

Не пропал! Приютила работа.

Здесь дороги и трассы мои пролегли

И, бывало, что жил на одних только нервах…

Этот город – мой дом на просторах земли!

Здесь я рос и крепчал в непролазных карьерах.

И когда я бываю в других городах,

Где метро и трамваи и больше уюта –

Все равно я грущу о таежных краях

И не мыслю свой век без Сургута!

П. Суханов

После чтения текста и стихотворений, для проверки понимания прочитанного учащимся предлагается ответить на следующие вопросы (поиск заданной информации в тексте):

2. Answer the questions.

1) What does the word “Surgut” mean?

2) Who did the Tsar order to serve in Siberia and build a town?

3) What was Surgut like in the summer of 1594?

4) When was the first coat-of-arms confirmed?

5) What did the new emblem symbolize?

6) Who lived in exile in Surgut?

7) What happened in the late 1950s?

После проверки понимания прочитанного ученики выполняют следующие задания:

3. Make an outline of the story (составить план рассказа).

4. Summarize the idea of each paragraph in one sentence (определить главную мысль каждого абзаца в одном предложении).

5. Put the sentences in the right order (расположить события в правильном порядке):

1) The town had its own coat-of-arms.

2) Surgut became a prospecting outpost.

3) New towns and forts were built in Siberia and they became the base of the first settlement.

4) The Civil War was brought it tremendous upheavals.

5) Surgut was built in the summer of 1594.

6) Surgut was a center of political exile in the 19th century.

7) Surgut was prominent in the World War II effort, as was the entire Siberia with its fabulous resources.

6. Give a summary of the story (написать краткое содержание рассказа). 7. Contribute other facts to the story that you have learned before (дополнить фактами, не содержащимися в рассказе).

Завершается занятие сообщением темы для последующего обсуждения:

I hope that a short travelling in the history of Surgut awoke your curiosity and interest and you want to know more about the town and the people. What the customs and traditions were, we’ll learn next time.

Занятия, подобные разработанному, дают возможность повысить интерес учащихся и к английскому языку, и к истории города, в котором они живут, расширяют кругозор школьников, укрепляют межпредметные связи, дают возможность мотивированным учащимся заниматься дополнительно.


1. Беленкова Н.М. Интегрированный элективный курс «Английский язык - История» в средней общеобразовательной школе//ИЯШ. – 2007. - № 2.

2. Данилюк А.Я., Кондаков А.М., Тишков В.Л.Стандарты второго поколения. Концепция духовно – нравственного развития и воспитания личности гражданина России.- М.: Просвещение, 2009.

3. Петрова Л.В., Показаньев Ф.Я. Города нашего края. Сургут. – Свердловск: Средне-Уральское книжное издательство, 1987.

4. Кайдалов В.А. Чему нас учат декабристы//Югра. – 1992. - № 1.